Thought that I Could Save You

Thought I could save you, but, I actually couldn’t, and for a very long time, I’d, blamed myself, for not being able to save your life, until, destiny, revealed its plans to me…

Thought that I could save you, you were, right, in front of me, as we were, falling down toward that abyss, and, all I needed to do, was extend my arms more, but, I just, couldn’t, and so, you’d, fallen, and I’d, stayed on this cliff, safe, and sound.

not my cartoon…

Thought that I could save you, but, guess that I wasn’t, supposed to, because, you’re DEAD now, and, there’s just, NOTHING I CAN do, to rid this guilt of not being able to save you from my mind here… thought that I could save you, but, I wasn’t supposed to, and I’d not understood, and, for many, many, MANY years after you’d gone, I’d, blamed myself, for not saving you.

not my picture here…

Thought that I could save you, but, was I, supposed to? Of course N-O-T, because if I were, meant to save you, then, you’d still be around, wouldn’t you, but you’re not, and, I’d, slowly, stopped, torturing myself, over something I have ZERO control over………

About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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