Another Story in Another Book

At the end of the day, it’s, just, another story, in another book…

Another story in another book, that I won’t have the time to thumb through, as time’s still, chasin’ behind my back here, and, I hear (and NO, it’s still NOT an auditory hallucination either!!!), that clock, tickin’, tickin’, tickin’, hurryin’ me along.

Another story in another book, everything became, unimportant, what you thought to matter to you when you went to work in the morning, turned out to be, so minuscule, that it doesn’t even DESERVE any of your already spent attention.

not my photograph…

Another story in another book, that, is all that it is, but, you can’t help but wonder, what if, can you? Of course N-O-T. But, this late in the game, there’s just, NOTHING that you can do, that’ll, alter the outcomes of things, and so, you’d tried to, numb yourselves out, by telling yourselves, that it’s, just, another story, in another book, that it bears NO effect on me.

Because at the end of the day, NOT-IN-MY-BACKYARD, is what you’d conclude, isn’t it??? Another story in another book, that, is what your life is to me, and, right now, I just got NO time, to sort through ALL the “books”, that’s still each AND every last one of you out there, page-by-page…………

not my animation here…

About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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