Fighting for the Right to Not Intubate

Observations on the DNR, from the Front Page Sections, translated…

Life will eventually come to an end, but, it’s quite difficult to decide, whether or not to intubate. The Department of Public Welfare & Sanitations posed the D.N.R. options, for those not wanting to intubate when the time comes to have the options of not being intubated; the doctors who are for this ideal also called out, “Show our courage, and FIGHT for the rights to NOT intubate!”

would you rather live like this until you die???

not my drawing…

Based off of this law, the citizens can set up a will, and have a postscript added to their National Health Identification card, and the doctors must follow the requests of the wills of the patients. The medical department head, Shih from the Department of Welfare & Sanitations said, that Taiwan is conservative, and believed, that signing the D.N.R. is “bad luck”, causing there to be only a little over 420,000 individuals who signed on since seventeen years ago the program was first set up.

Chiung Yao, the Chinese romance novelist’s husband, Ping, whether or not he’s considered a terminally ill patient or not, there’s no way of knowing, but, from her statements, Ping probably didn’t set up his DNR, nor did he sign the papers of DNR, he’d only once written a letter, stating that he’d not wanted to be intubated.

He’d stated that there are, multiple instances like this, the doctors would ask for the opinions of the closest of kin, spouses, adult children, grandchildren, parents, and siblings. Which meant, that whether or not the DNR for Ping is left up to the Chinese romance novelist to decide, unless she wouldn’t sign it, then, it’d be left to his children to decide for him.

and this, would be how you live out, the rest of your lives, however long it may be…

terminally ill living on tubes 的圖片結果not my photo…

He’d said that saving the elders stems from love and filial piety, but, respecting the wills of the patients, it’s, a show of love too, it’s just, that the latter was often, overlooked. He’d stressed, that “the issues of moral responsibilities can’t be resolved with laws, the most important being, to increase the knowledge and educating the masses.”

And so, there’s, a lot of struggles, when the time comes, for us, younger generations, watching our elders in that bed, breathing off of the machines, and, do we sign the DNR, or do we not, because the choice we have to live with, for the rest of our lives, and it still shouldn’t be taken that lightly!

About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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