Off to School Later Means Going to Bed Later, Stop Spoiling the Children

Yeah, didn’t see THAT coming, did you, officials setting up the rules in the Department of Education?  Of course N-O-T!  How this policy had, SHOT itself in the FOOT, from the Front Page Sections, translated…

The Department of Education announced yesterday, that starting in the fall semester this year, there’s the mandates of not making the high school students arrive to school before first period, meaning, that banning of testing and other academic related activities during this time, meant to encourage the students to use this time before school to free study.  But, there were, a ton of parents who were against this idea, I personally don’t think this should be, implemented either.

Students arriving at 7:30 in the morning to school that’s already been the written rule, put into practice for many decades, in the earlier eras, the schools would enforce the students to be on time to school, and those who were late were given reprimands, then, the whole school gathers for the flag raising ceremonies, exercise, sing the national anthem, the dress code checks, etc., etc., etc., and the speeches by the school officials on the rules.  This way of operating the means of how school starts, all gained the supports of the students and the parents, because, “the best time of day is in the mornings”, this sort of an activity in the morn can help students become fully awake, so they can be at the best learning mindset.

the government wants to prevent this from happening…

But the times had, changed, and, it’s no longer, applicable now.  The students arrive in school earlier, is it, truly, related to how they’re made to get up early to go to school, falling asleep in class?  Naturally not!  Early to bed, early to rise, makes our bodies healthier.  If we go to bed earlier, and we wake earlier, because we had our full night’s sleep, and can, handle the work for the entire day, not feel tired.  And, as the kids know that they needed to wake early tomorrow morn, would they go to bed early tonight?  There’s the video games, online games, cell phone games that are, tempting the children right now, it’s nothing easy, to MAKE the children go to bed earlier, even more difficult, to get them not to, stay up all night long!

And, even if the students are mandated to arrive to school before first period, would the extra time given to them in the mornings, be used to catch up on their sleep?  I’m sure that it wouldn’t be.  The children now are already, having it too easy, living well, for the sake of the next generations, adults, STOP thinking of ways to spoil them.  The school should start at the time it currently starts right now.

And so, this, is how the Department of Education is, @#$%ING up the schedules of students everywhere, because now, they don’t have to head to school earlier for the free study periods in the morn, they get to catch up on their sleeps, so they would be fully awake for their first periods, or at least, that, is what the Department of Education is hoping for, but unfortunately, this won’t BE the case, think about it, we’re taking about children in their teens, with not yet fully developed prefrontal cortex, which means, that they can’t control their own behaviors, they can get impulsive, and, if the rules aren’t set up correctly, then, they’re all going to, fall through the cracks, and, the department of education’s rule of slashing the free study period in the morn, is making these cracks, bigger for the students, to fall into.

by doing this…

found online

About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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