He Saw a Couple Arguing on the Streets, Tried to Mediate, Ended Up Getting Shot in the Stomach

Butting in, and you get???  Oh yeah, S-H-O-T, as, the scapegoat!  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

A man, Pan, two nights ago, started arguing with his girlfriend, as the man, Chou passed by them, he’d, wanted to help mediate the situation, and Pan took him for a busybody, and the two men started, fighting; in the chaos, Pan took out the alter gun he had, and shot Chou in the stomach, then, hidden back at his rental stay, the police sent out the squad, the armed forced, to catch him, fifty minutes later, Pan was taken into police custody, the police found the gun he used; Chou was sent to the hospital, and is not in any life-threatening danger.

The police found, that the 39-year-old Pan has priors in theft, resisting arrest, two nights ago at around ten, he’d started arguing with his girlfriend outside a super convenience shop in Hsinchu, and they started fighting physically: Chou didn’t know either of them, as he saw them fighting on the streets, he’d tried to break them up, Pan believed that he was too nosy, told him to back off, and, Pan and Chou started in a physical altercation.

As they were fighting each other physically, Pan took out an altered gun out of his bag, and shot Chou in the stomach, as Chou got hit, he ran into the super convenience shop to get help, and Pan and his girlfriend went to hide in their rental home which they shared together.

The police and paramedics rushed over, the paramedics found that Chou was shot in the left abdomen, was bleeding internally, suffered fractures, they’d dressed his wounds up with a bandana, lifted him to the hospital, Chou was still conscious then, told the police and fire department what happened to him, he was in surgery at the hospital, and not in any life threatening danger.

The police sent out thirty-two members of the police forces, to arrest Pan, they’d sealed up his residential apartment, the police wore the bulletproof helmets, with the bulletproof vests, and with the guns, to search the floors, and in the processed, they’d gone on the announcement system, for Pan to give himself up.

But as the officers made their ways into the apartment, they’d not found Pan, only his girlfriend there, they’d, spread out, sealed up ALL the alleys and streets near the apartment building, and in the end, they’d arrested Pan who was trying to escape out of the fire safety alley next to his apartment, and found the altered gun he used to shoot Chou, six bullets, and Pan was arrested on attempted murder, and possessions of arms.

And so, this, is what happens, and this tells us???  Oh yeah, just MIND our own BEESWAX, or, we will all, end up, getting SHOT, like this innocent bystander who was just, trying, to BREAK up a fight between this man and his girlfriend, and this still goes to show, how easily people turn to violence to solve their problems these days.

About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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