The Toddler Mistakenly Swallowed Bucky Balls, He Almost Had Punctures Inside His Intestines

An unfitting toy that’s not, KID APPROVED, that can cause HEALTH HAZARDS, and you stupid parents are still buying them for your children to play with???  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

A toddler of a little over a year old was sent to the hospital because of nausea, the families suspected that he may have a concussion, but the X-ray showed that there were, five connected white dots inside his stomach, turned out, the toddler swallowed the bucky ball that his older siblings were playing with by accident, causing damages to his intestinal walls, and thankfully the doctors discovered it early, otherwise, it could be as serious as punctured intestines, and even, death.

assembled together, it’s too large for a child to “eat”…photo from online

This case was shared on FB by the head of children’s emergency room of Zhongshan Hospital, the teaching hospital of Zhongshan University.  Hsieh told, that the parents were totally unaware that the child swallowed the bucky ball, and because the young child tripped and fell, bumped his head to concussion, and by the time the boy was taken in to get treated, the was necrosis in his intestinal walls, they’d surgically removed the segments in his intestines, he’d stayed in the hospital for a whole week, then recovered fully.

The Taiwanese Pediatric Association shared another case of swallowing the bucky balls, a four-year-old boy in the norther territories swallowed so many bucky balls, the families found it, but didn’t take him to the hospital immediately.  Several hours later, the child started having stomach pains, started vomiting, after the meals, and as he was taken to the hospitals, they’d found that there were the bucky balls.

Because these small balls are magnetic, they’d connected the stomach walls, the intestines, causing the young child to have multiple ulcers in his stomach, and there were, holes inside his intestines, and there were necrosis in the gastric mucosa, in the end, they had to surgically remove, and treated the child with antibiotics a very long time, the child was tortured.

but taken apart…

you get to pick from 216 WAYS to D-I-E!!! Photo from online

The bucky balls had been believed to be a toy that helps children develop their intelligence, and yet, there were, more incidents of children ingesting them, and, there were already, many young children who’d gone under the knives to have them removed to have their live saved, the physicians reminded the adults, to NEVER allow infants or toddlers get their hands on these toys.

“This is NOT the same as swallowing a marble, or a small ball!”, the gastroenterology physician, the assistant director of the An-Nan Hospital of Tainan, Hsu, stated, surely, swallowing a marble can cause problems, but, it’s not as life-threatening as swallowing the buckyballs, because the buckyballs are magnetic, swallowing one may not pose as a threat, but swallowing more than two, and having them land in the various parts of the intestines, the two magnetic balls would attract, and clamp the muscles together, causing depletion of blood flow.  He said, theoretically this sort of a muscles clamping together tightly, in just a few short hours will cause necrosis, causing dire consequences, to the point of puncturing the walls of the internal organs, inflammations, with the high death rates.

And so, these are, DANGEROUS toys, that you, STUPID parents are, putting into your young children’s hands (why don’t you just give them that serving of ARSENIC inside a SIPPY cup, huh???  That’ll kill them off a hell of a lot quicker!), because you believe, that these “toys” can help your children develop their intelligence more, and train them in fine motor movements, and we all know how important THAT will be to them, right???

KEEP these DANGEROUS things, OUT of your children’s REACHES, parents, otherwise, you might as well be giving that LOADED gun to your kid and telling her/him, “hey, go pull the trigger, and see what happens!”

About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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