The Special Needs Student Played with Fire & Burned Down His Home, She Was Kind, Took Him in: How Did This Kind Woman Become a Murderer?

The pressures of caretaking became, too enormous, and this woman finally, CRACKED???  Off of the Front Page Sections, translated…

The woman, Liu was displeased at how her nephew who was under age fifteen rebelled against her discipline, took a scouts rope, bound her nephew’s ankles and wrists down, punished him to kneel in the bathtub filled with water, then, pushed his head into the water, causing the nephew to drown to death; the first trial found her guilty of murder, sentenced her to twelve years, the second trial believed, that the cause of death was related to the abuse, reduced her sentence to eight years, the Highest Courts tossed back the appeals, and, the case was settled.

Based off of understanding, the deceased was a special needs student, he’d originally lived with his parents and younger sister in Sanchong District of Hsinbei City, two years ago in June, because he’d played with fire at home, burned down his home, the whole family moved in with the aunt, Pei-Wen Liu, last year, the mother of the deceased died of cancer, and he was left in the care of his aunt.

On the evening of August 22nd, the adolescent started getting emotional, and started acting up, Liu had him write to calm him down, but he refused to listen, and, as she’d punished him to squat, he’d, refused, and, he was called into the bathrooms to be punished.

Liu used the scouts rope, bound her nephew’s wrists and ankles, filled up the tub with water, demanded that he kneeled inside the tub, in the process, even though her nephew screamed, “Don’t tie me up”, but Liu still pushed her nephew’s head in, and threatened, “You misbehaved, does this make you feel better?”

Then, Liu went to the living room to smoke, to drink, and, as she’d returned back to the bathrooms, found her nephew, face down, and drowned to death, she’d immediately turned herself in to the police.  On the first trial, Liu’s murdering her nephew was, unintentional, sentenced her to twelve years on manslaughter.

The case was sent for an appeal to the High Courts, the second trial believed, that Liu looked after the youth’s life, had NO beef with the young man, that she wouldn’t murder him, because how he refused to listen to her, that she didn’t have the intent to murder him, believed that the verdict from the trial was, improper.

The second trial pointed out, that Liu qualified for the sentence reduction, considering how she’d taken in the father, the younger sister of the adolescent male after his mother passed, and looked after the adolescent male too, and in the interrogations, she’d stated that she wanted to be on death row, which showed that she was remorseful over what she’d done, plus the adolescent’s father stated that he was willing to forgive her, and that’s why the courts changed the sentence to eight years in prison for her abusing the teen to death.

And so, this, is tragic still, because the special needs child refused to listen to the woman, and all those times of how hard it was to teach him right from him all tumbled down on this woman, and she snapped, and, killed him, because of the burdens of caretaking, of looking after him all tumbled down on her, and she’d, snapped, and the courts considered how she’d taken the family in, and provided a roof over their heads, and, she didn’t have the intentions of murdering him, it’s a discipline that wen too far, that was why this woman was charged with manslaughter, instead of murder.

About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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