Pouring Icy, Cold, Freezing Water on Their Dreams…

“Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, we’re, too cold here!!!”, those childish dreams complained, but, the adults just, kept getting buckets after buckets of, icy cold freezing water, and dumping them all over them (those childish dreams???)…

Pouring icy, cold, freezing water on their dreams, because we can’t ALL be princess or princes who live in those huge castles, or astronauts that discovered new life forms on a planet yet to be discovered by mankind, or, acrobats that performed with the circuses, can we?  But, all of these dreams were, oh so very real, to children who had them!

not my photo…

Pouring icy, cold, freezing water on their dreams, because we, as adults, feel compelled, to TEACH our younger generation about how TOUGH this world can be, and, if we don’t prepare them at home, then, how the HELL are they ALL going to adapt to the REAL world, right?

Or maybe, the reason W-H-Y you (‘cuz I ain’t one of Y-O-U!!!) STUPID (that’s what you ALL are!!!) adults are pouring icy, cold, freezing water on your children’s dreams, because your own god DAMN parents had, formerly, in your younger years, LAUGHED so FUCKING (oopsy, just “slipped”!!!) hard at your dreams, and, you were being serious, weren’t you?  Yup!

And now, as you’d become adults, you forgot (‘cuz you’d, CHOSEN to ACTIVELY, BLOCK it out of your minds!!!) how you’d felt as children, when your dreams got SHOT down by those god DAMN parents of yours, and, because, you will, PASS the way you were raised, to your own young, and raise them using the EXACT same ways that you were brought up, unless you are, extremely aware like I had become here.

 this, is what became of your chidlren’s dreams, not so wonderful now, are they???  Of course N-O-T!!!  Not my picture here still…

Pouring icy, cold, freezing water on their dreams, so what?  My parents poured icier, colder, more freezing water on my dreams, and look how I turned out, and besides, I’m merely, preparing my way too naïve child, for the HARSH, cruel, cold world, and, s/he (the kid???) should THANK me (mommy/daddy, depending on your gender!) for giving them their first TASTE of harsh reality, that way, they’d be prepared, for worse things that are coming in their lives………………

And that, would be WHAT BAD parents looked like, and, if you are similar to this made-up description of parents I have on here, there’s still time for you to CHANGE!!!


About taurusingemini

All I have to say, I've already said it, and, let's just say, that I'm someone who's ENDURED through a TON of losses in my life, and I still made it to the very top of MY game here, TADA!!!
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